PrEP stands for, Pre-exposure prophylaxis and it is a drug which is given to HIV negative people who are at the risk of getting HIV positive. Now a days the only pill which is available as a drug for PrEP is Truvada , which is a single pill used as a combo of two anti-HIV drugs, tenofovir and emtricitabine.
How can PrEP prevent HIV?
PrEP is a drug which can save you from getting HIV infection from a person who is HIV positive. For example, if you have done unprotected sex with a person who is HIV positive and you want to prevent the infection, you can take the pill. It will stop the infection.
How effective is PrEP?
However, PrEP is not 100 percent safe, but the chances of preventing HIV through unsafe sex gets 90 percent reduces if the pill is taken and in case of inject drugs, the tablet reduces the chances of getting HIV to 70 percent. In case of having sex, it is always good to use a condom if you want to avoid HIV infection. Also, PrEP doesnt reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This is one good reason you should always use a condom while having sex. If you want to know more on PrEP, you must visit our HIV counselling doctors in Gurgaon, they will offer you the best guidance on how to use PrEP drug and if you need it or not.
You need to take PrEP if:
- You are having sex with an HIV positive person
- You have sex with multiple partners and you are not sure if they are HIV negative or not
- You are heterosexual and you do not use protection and you have had sex with strangers without knowing their condition or status of HIV
- You have shared needles while doing injecting drugs
But do you actually need to take PrEP?
With our experience we have observed that 90% of people who fear having contacted HIV live in their world of anxiety and apprehensions and we have treated many such patients through our counselling only. So, before you go for PrEP or any other medication, you must for once visit and meet with our HIV counsellors.
Counselling plays an important role in helping you restore your confidence, once you have been exposed to the risks of getting STD/HIV. A qualified and competent HIV counsellor or doctor can clear all your doubts on the subject and can guide you in the correct manner as to what should you do next, whether you are at no risk or at risk.
We, at Dr Monga Medi Clinic, aim to provide right information to the patients, so that they are in the right frame of mind before deciding the further course of action post exposure to the risk of HIV. You can visit and meet our HIV Counsellors/Doctors in our Delhi or Gurgaon Clinics.
There is a vital role of a counsellor when it comes to handling HIV cases and its prevention. It is really important to have a counsellor to take care of the HIV infected person because more than anything else, the infected person needs the essential emotional support to cope up with the setback.
The chances of getting others at risk are reduced if the infected person has knowledge about how he or she can stop the spread of virus. The Counsellor can also help people in knowing more about safe sex, STIs/STDs, HIV and AIDS.
There are lot of myths related to HIV and only a Counsellor can help in busting them and give correct information. We have some of the best HIV Counsellors in Delhi NCR who help people with correct information about STDs, STIs, HIV; their causes and treatments.
Considering a situation where,
- you have had sex without a condom or with a stranger and you think you can have HIV
- you have shared with people while using needles when injecting drugs
- you have risked your life to HIV due to another reason
- you are worried about having HIV infection
Now, you are full of apprehensions and anxiety as to what if you have been exposed to HIV? Most of the times, getting in contact with the virus is not that easy. But getting in contact with the post-exposure Anxiety is very much possible and that is what happens to most of those, especially, who have unprotected sex.
Our HIV counselling doctors in Delhi/Gurgaon will guide you and explain you on how to get tested and what will happen to your result. Usually a small amount of blood will be taken from your finger or arm for test and for rapid test and after 20 minutes the result will be given. For the other tests, the same blood sample will be sent to labs and the result will come after a couple of weeks.
HIV tests? It might sound like a tough plan but this is really important to have a healthy sex life. The most important thing which comes with the thought of getting tested is, what will happen after that. So, here are few important questions that are frequently asked from our HIV counselling doctors in India.
How will I get my results?
Before the test happens, the tester will ask you on how you would like to get the result. Depending upon your preference, the result will be given. However, there are various ways to get the result which depends upon the kind of test you are taking. If it is the rapid test, the result will be given within five minutes. There are other tests which might take more than a week. If the tests come negative, the tester will call you and tell and if the test is positive, you will have to take the further tests to check again. After that you will be referred for HIV treatment.
What if my result is negative?
The negative result of HIV means that you dont have HIV. Until you risk yourself again, the result will be negative so, make sure to use precautions and have safe sex and safe needles while injecting drugs.
What is the meaning of reactive test result?
A reactive test result means that the possibility of having HIV is there and for further confirmation other tests will be done taking another sample of your blood. The blood samples will be sent to the extra laboratory for further testing and confirmation of HIV. Our HIV counselling doctors in Delhi will take care of the counselling during this process of testing.
Is my test result private?
The test results are kept one hundred percent private and it is between only those who are involved. You can disclose your condition whenever you are comfortable.
Early Symptomatic HIV Infection- As the virus further develops and continues damaging the immune system, a person may suffer from fever, fatigue, weight loss, oral yeast infection, diarrhea and shingles.
Other symptoms of AIDS include:-
- Rashes on skin or bumps
- Night sweats
- Persistent fever
- White spots or unusual wounds on tongue or mouth
Symptoms of AIDS- The symptoms vary depending on the stages of infection such as primary infection (acute HIV), clinical latent infection (chronic HIV) and early symptomatic HIV infection.
Treatment of Hiv/AIDS:- Although there is no cure for AIDS/ HIV, medications can retard the virus growth. There are a few classes of anti-HIV drugs that help in blocking the virus which include Protease Inhibitors (PIs), Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs), Integrase Inhibitors, Nucleoside or Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) and Entry or Fusion Inhibitors.
The doctor will examine the viral load and CD4 counts to ascertain the response to treatment. Viral load should be tested at the beginning of treatment and then every quarter during therapy. CD4 counts should be monitored every three to six months.
HIV treatment should decrease the viral load to the point that its barely discernible as it does not mean the HIV is gone. It just indicated that the test is not adequately sensitive to detect it. One can still transmit HIV to others when the viral load is undetectable.
Look no further if you are searching for a reliable Centre HIV Counselling. Get in touch with Dr Monga Medi Clinic New Delhi / Gurgaon.